Mambo Sauce Band: A Go-Go Sensation from Washington, D.C.


Mambo Sauce is an American go-go band hailing from Washington, D.C. The band’s name is inspired by the popular condiment found in D.C.’s Chinese take-out restaurants, reflecting their deep connection to the city’s culture and spirit.

Live Performances:

Mambo Sauce’s live shows are renowned for their electrifying energy and captivating sound. Their performances typically commence with melodic chords played by Christian “Chris” Wright, the band’s Grammy-nominated musical director and keyboardist. Patricia “Twink” Little, the drummer, is celebrated as the heartbeat of the band, driving the rhythm with her dynamic drumming.

Music and Achievements:

In 2007, Mambo Sauce’s songs “Miracles” and “Welcome to D.C.” debuted on WPGC-FM radio, gaining significant attention. Their debut album, The Recipe, was released in 2009, further cementing their place in the music scene.

Sound and Influence:

Mambo Sauce’s music is a unique fusion of old soul (reminiscent of Marvin Gaye), new school hip-hop, rock, and the deep, thick percussions of go-go, the indigenous sound of D.C. Their sound is often described as mystical, yet it resonates deeply with their loyal fans who appreciate their pure, unadulterated music.

Contact Information:

For more details about the band, their music, discography, and contact information, visit their official website:
